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About Conference

A warm welcome to all, as we are delighted to invite you to join the 4th International Conference on  Medical Physics on August 17-19, 2023 which is being held in Thailand.
Because we know that Medical Physics is an interdisciplinary field of understanding and applying the properties of matter, scientists of materials study the connections between the underlying structure of materials, their properties, their processing methods and their performance in applications.
As the initial process, we need to have a clear understanding of the areas that need to be concentrated and the various ways to promote the event through social media platforms, with the right topic related media partners, sponsors and collaborators.
Nanomaterials, Nanomedicine, Tissue Engineering, Nano Remediation, Nanolayers, Nanophotonic, Nanorobotics, Biomaterials, Biosensors, Mining, Metallurgy and Materials physics, Catalytic Materials, Smart Materials, Engineering Materials, Advanced Composite Materials, Functional Graded Materials (FGM), etc
Our clothes are made of materials, our houses are made of materials - mostly manufactured. Glass windows, vinyl siding, metalwork, ceramic dishes.
The studies give researchers a deep understanding of physical processes, theories and versatile skills in mathematical and numerical methods. Applied physics is physics intended for technological or practical use.
International Conference on Medical Physics event expects more than 200+ participants to air the program. Conference of Medical Physics will organize several Oral and Poster presentations / Networking Sessions / Workshops / Symposiums / Exhibition, as we introduce several new tracks to bring in more participants.
We look forward to the Medical Physics 2023 conference to be successful like the International Conference on Medical Physics 2023 Conference!


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